Kenya, Africa

These suggestions for improving your travel photos result from my experiences as a professional photographer as well as a traveller. This information can be used for both camcorders and still cameras..

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In this day of digital cameras, the hints below that refer to film* are unnecessary. But the others still are well worth considering for superior pictures.

    1. Bring extra cards for your digital camera.

    2. If taking a camcorder to another country, you can use the razor points found in the bathroom for recharging the batteries. They are much handier than trying to find an outlet in the room and you normally don't need a converter using them.

    3. When shooting through glass or there is a window behind the subject, stand at an angle so you will get a picture of your subject rather than a big, white reflection of your flash.

    4. Frame your pictures to make them more interesting. If possible, stand where a tree branch close to you will appear in one corner of your picture. Take shots through an archway and have part of the arch show as a frame. Through windows the same way. Whatever is available, use it.

    5. If the sky is beautiful, get low and take your subject (not necessarily a person) against the sky.

    6. When it's gloomy and overcast, do NOT GET THE SKY in the picture. In fact, when it's raining and gloomy, DO take pictures. You will end up with some very good shots. Just avoid the sky like the plague.

    7. Reflections of buildings in water make interesting pictures.

    8. To pep up the pictures, try to have something either bright red or yellow in the foreground. I carry a red or yellow scarf for someone to drape over his shoulders in the foreground if necessary.

    9. Take shots of buildings from the corner as it get two sides in the picture and makes for a better composition, rather than straight on.

    10. When taking pics of people, come in close for a tight shot unless the main focus of the pic is the background . So many pictures are taken of people who are fifteen, twenty feet away and their features are a blur.

    11. Do NOT center your subject. Try to have it off center a bit to make the final picture more interesting - whether a person, animal, whatever. If scenery or a portrait of a person, of course, this does not apply. Use a little judgment.

    12. Try to keep camera and film out of hot sun. I will drape it with a white cloth to reflect the heat when I can't avoid the sun. Also, keep out of hot car, bus, whatever. I would rather carry it with me, than leave it to roast and ruin in a hot vehicle.

    13. I like to take shots of the hotels I've stayed in to refresh my memory. Also, interior shots of hotel rooms when particularly interesting. So often, people concentrate on the tourist highlights of the trip, when the more mundane things, like hotels, restaurants, airports, shops, etc., are more fun to look at later.

    14. If you can slow down the speed of your camera, waterfalls are more interesting at a slow speed. Experiment. There are other subjects that are very good when taken at slow speed.

    15. Register your expensive equipment at the airport before leaving the country. Better to take a few minutes at this time rather than have your cameras and lenses confiscated on your return because they thought you bought them overseas. (Or have a duty placed on them.)

    16. If your travel photographs mean as much to you as they do to me, you will carry an extra, inexpensive camera just in case the other one fails you

    EXTRA!! EXTRA!! A mini course in travel photography.

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