Packing for Antarctica
IceBerg in Antarctica
Beautiful Iceberg, Antarctica

Here some suggestions as to what to take with you to Antarctica based on my personal experience. To read my narrative, select 'My trip' on the left.

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    If you are remotely thinking about going to Antarctica, don't let anything stand in your way. GO! It is a fantastic trip. And do it while you are young. The older you are, the tougher it is.

    After you have made your reservations, the company will send you a list of things to bring with you. I strongly suggest you bring the following:

    1. Waterproof pants - take the best you can afford. I thought I could get by with the cheap plastic ones I had on hand. What a mistake! They ripped on almost every zodiac excursion we took. I walked around with electrician's tape in the crotch of my pants - and I was never sure I was protected from the elements. Do take a better pair.

    2. Boots - make sure they are the full 14-16 inches that are suggested. I bought a pair at a garage sale for $1.00. My roommate paid over $40.00 for hers. Mine worked just as well and I left them on the ship, didn't have to cart them home again. Make sure you can walk comfortably in them.

    3. Binoculars - do bring binoculars if you have them, or can borrow some.

    4. Backpack - Absolutely essential. All you need is a simple, small nylon one for holding your camera, gloves, etc., whatever you might want with you when going ashore on a Zodiac excursion. Don't wait to buy one on board ship because they are very expensive and they don't always have enough.

    5. Fleece sweat suits - Would have been great to put on after the swim. Also, there were times when it was cool aboard ship and they would have been very comfortable.

    6. Flannel shirts - There were many times when I wish I had had flannel or sweat shirts to put on. They would have been much more satisfactory than the sweaters I took.

    7. Nylon tights - also would have been good aboard ship.

    8. Insulators - I made some insulated footware to wear inside my boots. They truly made a difference. They were much warmer than just wool socks.

    9. Seasick patches - or whatever you use. The seas are very rough over the Drake Passage and better to have them than not and wish you had brought them.

    10. Camera/video camera/tape recorder - Do bring something to take pictures with. This is such an unusual trip and you probably will never go back. So capture the images with something. I highly recommend a camcorder as you can get the sounds as well as the images. If you are bringing a still camera and have a small tape recorder, bring it. The sounds of the whales, the ship going through ice, the penguins - all are worth having on tape.

    11. Everything the company suggests - If you have questions about any item, email me. See below.


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